WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 25, 2020) – Today, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES), a conservative organization advancing clean energy policies, and The Western Way (TWW), a free-market conservation organization, released a survey that found that two-thirds (67 percent) of Republican and Republican-leaning voters agree making investments in clean energy are important to our nation’s effort to rebuild the economy after the coronavirus shutdown. Additionally, three-quarters of respondents support federal action to accelerate the development and use of clean energy in the United States.
“Republicans have an opportunity in this election to give voters a real choice on the best policies to preserve our climate without damaging our economy,” said Heather Reams, executive director of CRES. “As a conservative, I am tired of listening to Democrats tell voters that the only solutions are those that rely on big government programs with unrealistic deadlines. This poll makes it clear—commonsense plans that require reductions in carbon emissions and encourage clean energy development are winning messages for Republican candidates. Now more than ever, GOP voters recognize that preserving and expanding clean energy jobs will benefit the economy while improving public health—a win-win for our country.”

On behalf of CRES and TWW, Public Opinion Strategies conducted the online survey of 1,009 Republicans and Republican-leaning independents nationwide from June 6-16, 2020. Among other top results, the study found that 70 percent of Republicans agree that accelerating the growth of clean energy in the United States can help the country become a world leader in the competition for green economic development, with two-thirds of Republicans (65 percent) believing it is important for the Republican Party to focus on the production of clean energy in the country. This includes strong support for opening up more public lands to mining and exploration to access minerals important for energy and national security.
“This survey underscores the value that conservative voters continue to place on the natural lands and resources of this great nation,” said John Karakoulakis, director of TWW. “Conservative voters are concerned about preserving the environment, but they also want to see policies in place that benefit the economy and create jobs. Western policymakers have long championed these issues, and what this poll makes abundantly clear is that conservative Americans are looking to others to follow their lead.”
According to the poll, the majority of respondents—nearly 55 percent—consider climate change to be a serious problem. In fact, two-thirds of Republicans surveyed (67 percent) believe that human-caused pollution contributes to climate change. The survey also revealed that 72 percent of respondents support the federal government taking steps to reduce emissions of gases like carbon dioxide and methane that contribute to climate change.
That sentiment is met with increased interest in the government’s role in emissions disclosures. More than seven of ten Republicans believe that the federal government should require both foreign and domestic companies that sell products in the United States to disclose the amount of carbon emissions associated with the production of their products while more than eight out of ten Republicans agree that factories in countries like China should have to disclose how much pollution was produced in making products they want to sell in the United States. Furthermore, nearly nine of ten Republicans agree that other countries—not just the United States—must step up to tackle global climate change.
“This survey yielded some surprising results about Republican support for government action in promoting clean energy development and emissions disclosures—both foreign and domestic,” said Neil Newhouse, partner with Public Opinion Strategies. “While the economy remains the dominant issue for Republican voters heading into the election, it was remarkable that a majority of Republicans said they want the government to help move the nation toward a carbon-neutral economy by supporting advances in clean energy development. As Republican lawmakers and candidates think about energy policies to champion, this survey provides an insightful glance into the issues motivating GOP voters.”
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) (www.citizensfor.com) engages Republican policymakers and the public about responsible, conservative solutions to address our nation’s energy, economic, and environmental security while increasing America’s competitive edge. CRES recently launched Clean Energy Forward, a campaign to highlight the importance of clean energy policies in reviving the economy.
The Western Way (www.TheWesternWay.org) is a nonprofit organization urging Western conservative leaders to acknowledge actual environmental challenges and deliver efficient, pro-market solutions.